Moving into college is an exciting time, full of mixed emotions. It will certainly be one of the most memorable days of your college days, and perhaps your life Mason Housing and Residence Life staff have put together a few pointers to set your expectations for the big day! Here is a simple breakdown of how move-in works:
Move-in Occurs Over the Course of 4 Days
New, incoming first-years move in based on their building and floor assignment, while upper-class move-in dates are determined by their last name. We break move-in down by floor and buildings so that no area gets too congested and busy at once. Move-in occurs over the course of four days. August 21 and 22 for freshmen students and August 23, 24, and 25 for returning students. Check your Mason email (or the email they listed on your Housing application) to ensure you have the right schedule for your move-in. Move-in times are also posted here.
Please try to arrive at your scheduled time. This will help keep traffic moving at a steady pace.
New Students will Check-in at the ACGC
When you arrive at your assigned time, you will check in at the Angel Cabrera Global Center (ACGC for short). Students moving in after August 25 will check in at the Eisenhower or Piedmont Desks. During check-in, you will have access granted to your building and room and will be given a temporary unloading parking pass. Maps are also available to help you learn how to navigate campus. Don’t forget to grab your Mason shirt before leaving ACGC! Only students are allowed in the check-in area. Parents and guests are welcome to wait for you in the ACC lobby.
We Revamped The Upperlevel Move-In Process
Upperlevel residents will now be able to participate in a self-check-in process. This means that upperlevel residents will be able to select a move-in date between August 23-25 and head straight to the unloading zone closest to their residence hall without completing an in-person check-in process. Information about self-check-in will be sent out in July.
Where to Park
Once you've finished unloading, you will need to move your car to a different lot, for long-term parking – staff will be present to help direct you to the right parking lot. After you move in, we hope you and your family and guests join us for a meal in Ike’s or Southside dining halls!