Resident Hall Association (RHA)

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Become an RHA Member and Make a Difference

What is the RHA?

The RHA is where residents can go to voice their ideas and concerns about their experience living on campus. The RHA board has a direct line of communication to senior Housing and Residence Life administrators to influence change and decisions made about on-campus living.  RHA also organizes community events designed to help residents build relationships and create a sense of community and belonging in the residence halls. RHA is open to all students living on campus and welcomes everyone who wants to get involved and have an impact on life at Mason.

Residence Hall Association Logo

What are the RHA Objectives?

The RHA objectives are: to create leadership opportunities for residential students so they can see and feel the impact they have within the residential communities; to create a space for residential students to feel more engaged, connected, and invested in the GMU;  community; to provide residents with a forum to raise and discuss ideas for change/improvement, concerns, and grievances regarding the residential communities at GMU; and to provide peer-organized and lead social and educational engagement opportunities within proximity to the residential communities.

Voice Your Opinion In The Community!

Housing and Residence Life also prides itself on maintaining a residential program, which is firmly rooted in the spirit of student self-governance. The Residence Hall Association (RHA) is where residents can go to voice their ideas and concerns about their experience living on campus.  The mission of RHA is to enhance the residential student experience by providing residents a forum for advocacy, self-authorship, and engagement within their communities.  

Get Invovled in the RHA!

Joining the RHA is one of the best ways to bring about positive changes and events to the campus and the residence halls. As part of RHA, you will work closely with the Residence Life staff, including RA’s/RLC RA’s, and Community Directors.

For more information on the RHA contact Lex Ash or Kaya Mitchell.

Our Leadership Team is located in Piedmont and is available from 9 AM to 5 PM. 

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FAQs About The RHA Job Roles

What is The President's Job Role?

The President is the public face of RHA. As such, the President is responsible for outreach to other student organizations and campus partner offices on behalf of RHA

Represent RHA at departmental, divisional, and institutional meetings that RHA is invited to attend

Lead RHA E-Board Meetings every week and, in collaboration with advisors and E-Board, set the agenda for General Body Meetings each week

Meet regularly with HRL departmental leadership and represent RHA at Student Government .

What is The Vice President's Job Role?

The Vice President fulfills the role(s) of the President as necessary when the President is unable to attend meetings or other functions

Functions as the internal facing leader of RHA and thus, are responsible for the recruitment, development, and retention of a functioning and engaged RHA General Body

The Vice President will lead General Body Meetings

The Vice President will manage publicity for the organization.

What is The Secretary's Job Role?

The secretary's main job duties include:

  • Maintains a speakers list during meetings when requested by the President
  • Creates and distributes the quarterly RHA newsletter
  • Keeps a permanent record of all RHA proceedings, including the meeting minutes, committee minutes, attendance, reports, legislation and correspondence
  • Responsible for RHA social media presence, engagement, and growth and retention of followers
  • Notifies general body members when they are one absence away from losing voting rights, as well as when voting rights are lost
  • Attends all Executive Board and General Body Meetings.

What is The Engagement Director's Jobe Role?

The engagement director's main duties include:

  • Plans social and educational events for the residential student population in collaboration with Team Ridge and the Coordinator for Residential Student Engagement
  • Liaises with the Patriot Activities Council to partner on events in residential areas
  • Assists RHA Secretary with RHA social media presence, engagement, and growth and retention of followers.

What is The National Communications Coordinator (NCC)'s Job Role?


  • In collaboration with advisor, maintain active membership in NRHH, SAACURH, and other orgs
  • Serves as liaison between the RHA, NACURH, SAACURH, and VACURH
  • Attends conferences, including business meetings
  • Serves as delegation chair for conferences and coordinates all aspects of sending a delegation to a conference
  • Relay information from NACURH member schools to RHA at General Body and EBoard meetings
  • Works with the executive board to prepare and submit bids to national, regional, and state conferences
  • Other duties as assigned.