Upper Level Residential Learning Communities: Well-Being

Well-Being RLC Logo

Mason’s Well-Being (WB) RLC is an inclusive community where students explore well-being topics through a holistic approach to learn about individual well-being and discover how it is supported by, and supports, community well-being. This holistic approach includes traditional academic study, experiential learning, reflective learning, personal practices, and shared experiences. The WB RLC is strengths-based and values-guided and explores topics such as positive psychology, mindfulness, gratitude, curiosity, compassion, meaning, purpose, self-awareness, social connection, and stress management in ways that emphasize individualization and inclusivity.


  • Whitetop Hall


  • Fall: INTS 395: Explorations of Well-Being
  • Spring: Residents will choose 1 of the following:

    • INTS 291/495 Explorations of Well-Being
    • UNIV 170/370 Building Resilience
    • UNI 372 Mental Health First Aid
    • INTS 355 Mindfulness, Meaning, and Well-Being
    • GCH 225 Stress and Well-Being

Application Questions

  • Please describe two specific ways you hope to benefit from participating in the Well-Being RLC.

  • A benefit of living in community is developing social networks among other students. Please describe two ways you will contribute to your residential community through your participation in the Well-Being RLC.